About Us

Ventana Surfboards & Supplies strives to be the most environmentally responsible surf company on the planet. We are an online surf shop and wholesaler with occasional pop-up shops around California.

We sell hollow, reclaimed wooden surfboards, bodysurfing handplanes, and eco surf supplies that are loved by adventurers everywhere. Our boards are high performance, surfable works of art that jumpstart conversations in homes and wave lineups.

We live and work in Santa Cruz, California where we test our products on some of the most challenging waves on earth.

We donate at least 5% of profits to the ocean conservation efforts of organizations including the Ventana Ocean Conservation Scholarship, Save Our Shores, Surfrider Foundation Santa Cruz, Save the Waves Coalition, the Seymour Marine Discovery Center, the Western Flyer Foundation, and the Monterey Bay Aquarium.


Martijn Stiphout

Martijn Stiphout: Ventana Surfboards
Photo by: Sebastian Stiphout

Martijn Stiphout is the co-founder, master artisan, and board design visionary of Ventana Surfboards & Supplies. He was born in South Africa, moved to Germany when he was still small, then on to the Netherlands a few years later. He finally came to settle in California in 1993.

Martijn began working with wood when he was a young boy, learning many of his skills from his father and building upon them. He started surfing in the Netherlands and has been passionate about riding waves ever since.

Martijn graduated from Monterey Bay State University with a degree in Marine Biology, after which he pursued a career in conservation education and as a mate and captain aboard a sailing research vessel in California’s Monterey Bay. He was involved with several interesting research projects, from tracking marine debris in San Francisco Bay to Great White shark tagging at the Farallon Islands near San Francisco.

Working with marine debris and seeing first-hand what is happening to our oceans, Martijn decided it was time to try to lessen his impact on the environment by building wooden surfboards, focusing heavily on sustainable and recycled materials.

Martijn works in research and development at Joby Aviation as a composites rapid development specialist. He lives in Watsonville, California with his wife and young daughter.

You can reach Martijn (Mar-Tyne rhymes with wine) directly to discuss custom surfboards at +1-831-818-8988 or craftspeople@ventanasurfboards.com.

David Dennis

Photo by: Dave Alexander of Salty Breeze Art

David Dennis leads sales, marketing, and business development for Ventana. He was raised in Northern California and lives with his wife by the beach on the Westside of Santa Cruz. David learned to surf late in life together with his daughter and son, and it quickly became a passion for all three. His love for surfing, travel, photography, and family keeps him grounded and enthusiastic about the world. David’s love for the ocean deepened at the age of sixteen when he and his family became certified SCUBA divers. He was an instructor by age 19 and, save a two-year stint in Madrid, has always lived near salt water. 

David graduated from San Diego State University with an undergraduate degree in Sociology and a master's degree in political science and has worked as a public-school teacher of at-risk kids. His education and teaching experience helped hone his deep sense of social responsibly. And his love of the sea has inspired his interest in ocean conservation. David has traveled to more than forty countries and has a passion for travel photography and shooting street portraits in developing countries. For nearly 25 years, he has worked in program and product management leadership roles at Microsoft.

David employs his passions to support causes focused on improving education, ending homelessness and the conservation of our oceans. It was through a photo portrait project to support the Surfrider Foundation that David met Martijn. They became friends and realized that they shared a vision to create a surf company focused on artisanship, responsibility, and adventure. They hone their business and product plans in the surf line up and are working to grow Ventana into the most loved and environmentally responsible surf company on the planet.

You can reach David directly at +1-831-915-4326 or david@ventanasurfboards.com.

Contact us

You can call or text +1-831-915-4326 or email us at craftspeople@ventanasurfboards.com with any questions or comments.